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Tuesday, March 07, 2017



1. What 1980 comedy film featured a fictionalized version of the proposed event which led to the landmark free speech case National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie?

2. Which movie also turns 41 this year whose opening scene overlays gunshots and typewriters to highlight the power of words as weapons?

3. What movie about the life of an Ohio pornographer climaxes in a triumphant Supreme Court victory?

4. What 2005 historical drama about the “Red Scare” was filmed on color film stock on a greyscale set, and was color corrected to black and white during post-production?

5. What 1999 comedy, a pointed critique of censorship, received a Guinness World Record for “Most Profanity in an Animated Film”? 

How'd you do?

  1. Blues Brothers
  2. All The President’s Men
  3. The People vs. Larry Flint
  4. Good Night and Good Luck
  5. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut

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