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Want to know what is on our minds? Find blog posts written here, by the City Club staff, members, and partners. Every week you can find a new edition of #FreeSpeech in the News — a collection of related stories, commentary, and opinions on free speech in the 21st century that’s making the news. You’ll also find takes on current events, past forums, and issues surrounding Northeast Ohio. Read on for all things City Club.

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Monday, June 26, 2017

#FreeSpeech in the News: June 26, 2017

As the Citadel of Free Speech here in Cleveland, we work to protect and promote the basis of our democracy by sharing related stories, commentary, and opinions on free speech in the 21st century. Here's what's making the news - and what you should know about - this week.

"Instead of nurturing thoughtful debate of controversial topics, many college educators and administrators discourage free debate by shielding students from offensive ideas."

Free speech on college campuses in the Senate spotlight, ABC News

“The nature of a revolution in thought can be that, in its early stages, even its participants may be unaware of it.”

The Supreme Court Offers a Warning on Free Speech, The Atlantic

“The ‘code of ethics’ that the government of Israel is considering for the country’s academic institutions is a threat not only to academic freedom in Israel, but to Israel’s standing as a democracy.”

Attack on Free Speech or Reality Check? Israel Debates Code, Bloomberg

"It basically gags and bags the First Amendment."

Wisconsin Assembly passes college free speech bill that would punish hecklers, Chicago Tribune

“Free speech is the soul of our nation and the foundation of all our other freedoms.”

Pamela Geller: The Threat to Free Speech, Commentary

“Of course free speech is under threat in America. Frankly, it’s always under threat in America because it’s always under threat everywhere.”

Jonah Goldberg: The Threat to Free Speech, Commentary

“The campus attacks on free speech are merely the most extreme iteration of an ideology that spans from left to right: the notion that your right to free speech ends where my feelings begin.”

Ben Shapiro: The Threat to Free Speech, Commentary

“Our colleges and universities should be a place to vigorously debate ideas and ultimately learn from one another. Instead, this campus gag rule creates an atmosphere of fear where free expression and dissent are discouraged.” 

Scott Walker Hails ‘Free Speech’ Bill That Would Punish Student Hecklers, Huffington Post

“Should any kind of speech—even that which is disparaging or offensive—be allowed to be trademarked?”

Free Speech for All?, Slate

"There are things in the broader culture that have changed. We are a much more combative political culture… Our campuses are more civil than what you get when you turn on your TV or open your Twitter feed."

Williams College President Rejects Claim That He Blocked Free Speech on Campus, TIME

"It offends a bedrock First Amendment principle: Speech may not be banned on the ground that it expresses ideas that offend.”

Supreme Court upholds offensive trademarks as form of free speech, USA Today

“When we say that a speaker should not come because of their views, we’re denying ourselves an opportunity to strengthen our own arguments.”

2 students are testifying to the Senate about free speech on campus, USA Today College

“Our system of government and our constitutional jurisprudence already recognize that there are limits to free expression for those who choose to participate in commerce.”

Derogatory trademarks aren’t about free speech. They’re about discrimination., The Washington Post

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