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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

TechStars Took a Look at Cleveland. Here’s What They Found.

Dan Moulthrop, Chief Executive Officer, The City Club of Cleveland

For years now, our startup community in Cleveland has been steadily, if incrementally, growing, evolving and strengthening. A number of entrepreneurial startup founders, with the supportofia variety of organizations in town, recently invited Colorado-based startup community leaders TechStars to provide some consultation to help our community see what we're doing right and where we can grow. MapQuest co-founder Chris Heivly (also a mentor, an investor, a connector, and a startup advocate himself) was tapped to conduct the research and deliver the findings. So, after dozens of interviews, a lot of thinking and discussing with colleagues, and, likely, some last minute tweaks, Heivly delivered his report at the City Club on March 13th.

Many people have asked for the slide deck, so we include it here. The Cleveland-specific stuff begins on the slide 16.

TechStars Took a Look at Cleveland. Here’s What They Found.

The event was also streamed live, and you can go back and see it here:

And, for what it's worth, I tweeted a lot, and I think this was probably the nut of his presentation (Chris seemed to agree).

TechStars Took a Look at Cleveland. Here’s What They Found.

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