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Monday, April 16, 2018

Why We Need the City Club: an Unsolicited Editorial

Guest Author, Blog, The City Club of Cleveland

Why We Need the City Club: an Unsolicited Editorial

By Charles Ellenbogen

I applied to be part of a closed Facebook group called Guns: An American Conversation. I decided that it would be a way for me to learn. I simply don't understand some of the people I've encountered - the people who go to the tailor to have their clothes altered so that can conceal carry more subtly. I don't understand this severe fear of government infringement. I don't understand how people don't recognize their own racism. If you want to defend your right to have a handgun, I'll hear you out, but tell me again why you think the Constitution defends an assault rifle?

For a while, it was interesting. By presenting myself as a teacher most interested in understanding school shootings, I made myself available for information. Tell me. Be specific. I've hesitated to offer my own opinions. I'm just collecting arguments, specifics.

But I have had enough. People are stuck. On both sides. It's too easy on-line to walk away from the proverbial table. Though we were all asked to introduce ourselves, I cannot put myself in the shoes of someone who has very different issues in, for example, Louisiana. We must make each other human. We must see each other face-to-face. We must have the experts to the side in case we want to check a fact. But we must stay at the table if we want to take any genuine steps. Marches won't do that. Facebook won't do that. Ordinary citizens being ordinary citizens (and this includes informed voting and not stopping after election day) is what will make the difference.

No one is, for example, in favor of school shootings. So let's start there. Or no one wants people with a history of mental health issues to have access to a firearm. These are notsimpleplaces to start, but we have to start somewhere. You don't have to like what I say, but as long as I say it in a civil way and listen to you in turn, then we can go on. And that's why we need the City Club. It's our opportunity. In the days when some or even many are questioning the status of our democracy, it remains. Everyone is equal there, even - and you know this is important to me - students. The City Club represents possibilities. It represents the better angels of our nature. It is hope. Just thinking about it makes me proud.

And I'm so glad to know that it's in such good hands.

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Vincent T. Lombardo - April 17, 2018

I completely agree. I love and support The City Club for the same reasons. Long live The City Club of Cleveland!

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