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Friday, March 13, 2020

Ways to Support Our Community During COVID-19

As precautions against coronavirus in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County increase and create significant challenges to our daily lives, we will be compiling a list of organizations that are providing support for our community members and a list of organizations that are asking for support. We recognize this is not a comprehensive list and doesn't include all organizations providing and asking for support. If you have any suggestions on organizations to add, please comment below or email Julia Wang at

If you haven’t watched yet, be sure to view our virtual forum on Coronavirus and Cuyahoga County with Terry Allan, Commissioner of the Cuyahoga County Board of Health, Akram Boutros, President and CEO of The MetroHealth System as well as their Chief Quality Officer Brook Watts, and Merle Gordon, Director of Public Health for the City of Cleveland.

Organizations Providing Support

Babies and Brunch, sponsored by the NorthEast Ohio Black Health Coalition
Serving Eastside families from March 16 - 20. They will deliver two meals per person in a household, including breakfast and lunch. Delivery times are from 8:30 - 10 a.m. Please call before 7 p.m. the night before - you can contact Ebony Spano 440-409-4825 or Mickey Hall 216 - 245- 3212.

Free boxed lunches for families in need, every Monday while kids are out oof school, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 7320 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH

Cleveland Pandemic Response
Cleveland Pandemic Response is a community-organized response organization that is coordinating volunteer efforts throughout the city. To sign up to provide aid visit here or contact or

Discount Drug Mart
Discount Drug Mart is hiring! View this article for more information on how to apply.


HFLA will provide expedited interest-free loans of up to $1,500 for purposes including (but not limited to): lost wages due to being unable to go to work, child care costs due to school closures, small business losses, related medical costs. To apply visit,, or call 216.378.9042

Scholastic Classroom Magazines
Scholastic Classroom Magazines are providing free online learning experiences for all grades while students are learning at home. View their website here.

Saucy Brew Works
Free pizza slices to those in need, from 11 a.m. - 2p.m. every Wednesday. 2885 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH


U-Hail is offering free storage for college students impacted by coronavirus changes. The free month applies to new customers with college IDs and is a limited-time offer subject to availability. Click on to find the store nearest you. Contact the store by phone or visit in person to take advantage of the offer.

Organizations Asking for Support

Catholic Charities Diocese of Cleveland Office of Migration and Refugee Services
They are asking for donations for newly resettled refugee and immigrant families. To ease their discomfort, isolation, and fears they are asking members of the community to donate the following items:
• DVD players (asking for two)
• Televisions (asking for two)
• Digital antennas
• Old DVDs that are family friendly
• Coloring books, Crayons, Markers, Colored pencils, Children's books
To donate any of the above items, please call 216-939-3737. If you are dropping the items off, it must be between the hours of 9am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, and please call ahead of time.

Greater Cleveland Food Bank
The Greater Cleveland Food Bank is still maintaining operations to provide food to members of our community. If you are healthy and willing to volunteer, please go to or call 216-738-2053. In addition, if you or someone you know is in need of food, please call our Help Center at 216-738-2067. Staff will direct you to the nearest location for assistance.

Koinonia Homes
Koinonia offers support for adults with developmental disabilities, including housing support. Their individuals are experiencing extended time at home and would enjoy creating wellness and positive cards/letters for those suffering from COVID-19. To help them create letters and cards for our community, they're looking for craft supplies! Specifically, scissors, construction paper, glue, and coloring supplies - under the circumstances it would be preferred to be new or sanitized to avoid exposing their individuals. To send materials, contact Matthew Barr at 216-385-0342 or

Additional Lists of Organizations

Ohio City COVID-19 Resource list

Ohio COVID-19 Resource list

BVU Resource Center

If you have any suggestions on organizations to add, please comment below or email Julia Wang at

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