The City Club of Cleveland

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Want to know what is on our minds? Find blog posts written here, by the City Club staff, members, and partners. Every week you can find a new edition of #FreeSpeech in the News — a collection of related stories, commentary, and opinions on free speech in the 21st century that’s making the news. You’ll also find takes on current events, past forums, and issues surrounding Northeast Ohio. Read on for all things City Club.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Farage in Cleveland

Farage in Cleveland

Last week Cleveland hosted a revolutionary leader who harnessed the frustration in his country and rode it to historic success. Of course, I am writing about Nigel Farage. Donald Trump may hope to change this country; Nigel Farage has already succeeded in fundamentally changing his. Farage came to Cleveland to share with his American cousins...

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Friday, July 22, 2016

#RNCinCLE: Day 4

#RNCinCLE: Day 4

Last night was the finale of the 2016 RNC. After enduring a failed final stand by the #NeverTrump movement,“speech-gate,” and Senator Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement, Donald J. Trump accepted the Republican nomination for President in a 85-minute speech, the longest acceptance speech in over 40 years. Here are the highlights from the final day of the...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

#RNCinCLE: Day 3

#RNCinCLE: Day 3

Can’t make it downtown to take in the RNC? No problem, stay looped in here. We’re providing daily updates on what’s happening in and around Cleveland. Here are highlights from day three: “Not since the parties and their nominees began carefully scripting these quadrennial affairs a generation ago have we seen such an outburst of...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

#RNCinCLE: Day 2

#RNCinCLE: Day 2

We’re back with Tuesday’s coverage. We’re providing daily updates on to keep you up to date on what’s happening right here in Cleveland. Here are some highlights from day two. “This is public square, where people have colorfully baited and debated one another since before Ohio was a state.” In Cleveland’s Public Square, Rights are...

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

#RNCinCLE: Day One

#RNCinCLE: Day One

The Republican National Convention (RNC) officially began yesterday! We’re providing daily updates on to keep you up to date on what’s happening right here in Cleveland. Here’s some highlights from day one. “When journalists are endangered, you can be sure that free expression is under siege.” Near and Far, the ‘Worst Moment’ for Journalists in...

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

#FreeSpeech in the News: July 19, 2016

As the Citadel of Free Speech here in Cleveland, we work to protect and promote the basis of our democracy by sharing related stories, commentary, and opinions on free speech in the 21st century. Here's what's making the news - and what you should know about - this week. As Clevelanders, the first thing on most of our...

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