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FilmForum: Food Evolution

Environment & Sustainability

FilmForum: Food Evolution

Sunday, April 2, 2017
2:40 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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The reputation surrounding GMO foods paints a picture of chemically enhanced produce, pumped with steroids and other poisons, being conned into our children’s mouths. But what if we have it all wrong? Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson narrates this documentary, which sheds light on the fervor against food that has been scientifically altered to meet the needs of a growing population. The fight between organic foods versus GMO foods has been raging for a few years now, enabled by passionate advocates on both sides spreading misinformation. And FOOD EVOLUTION attempts to quell the biggest fears, using science, interviews with scientists, and accumulated data about modifying our crops. Yes, there are genuine concerns about agri-giants like Monsato, but when you finally get a glimpse at the bogus claims the “other” side has been making in the name of “organic” food, you begin to wonder which side is harder to swallow. Beginning with Hawaii’s ban on all GMO products, followed by other countries (including those in Africa) that are simply not in a place to deny food to their populace, FOOD EVOLUTION will open your eyes to the state of our food today—and where it will be in the years to come.

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