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Do We Want a Gender-Free Society?

Politics & Public Policy

Do We Want a Gender-Free Society?

Friday, February 12, 1982
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"I do think that men and women are different and that, in certain areas, they have different roles -- which is apparently the most obnoxious four letter word to the type of people who really want a gender-free society." – Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly, attorney, journalist, author and opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), discusses the ramifications of a gender-free society. Sclafly argues that men and women are fundamanetally distict and perform different, necessary roles in society. She applies her thinking to concepts such as gender roles in the U.S. military, equal pay for equal work, and the proportion of women in certain professions.

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