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Creative Minds in Healthcare: Integrating Art Therapies into Healthcare Policy

Arts & Culture

Creative Minds in Healthcare: Integrating Art Therapies into Healthcare Policy

Friday, May 30, 2014
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"Most disease prevention messages in developing countries are delivered through theater." – Nickie Antonio

The relationship between the arts and healthcare is a growing topic of exploration among advocates of both fields. The Community Partnership for Arts and Culture (CPAC) recently released a report entitled "Creative Minds in Medicine: A Cleveland Creative Intersection," which detailed Cuyahoga County's experience with this emerging intersection. The report detailed the four main ways in which arts and culture intersect with healthcare, including in the design of medical and healthcare facilities, through therapy and arts and culture activities, by serving as a rallying point around which communities can discuss public health and social equity issues, and by enriching medical training programs. According to CPAC’s President and CEO, Tom Schorgl, these collaborations “are improving health and wellness outcomes for the broader community as well as serving individual needs.” Join representatives from the city, county, and state levels as they discuss the efficacy of using the arts to solve public health issues. Joe Cimperman, Cleveland City Councilman, Ward 3. Representative Nicki Antonio, The Ohio House of Representatives, District 13. David Greenspan, Cuyahoga County Council, District 1.

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