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Happy Dog Takes on the World: The World Water Crisis

World Affairs

Happy Dog Takes on the World: The World Water Crisis

Tuesday, May 5, 2015
7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

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The United Nations considers universal access to clean water a basic human right, and an essential step towards improving living standards worldwide. Yet, more than one billion people around the world lack access to safe drinking water, putting them at risk for waterborne diseases. Water is local problem and is increasingly scarce in many areas of the globe. Climate change is exacerbating this crisis as severe, prolonged droughts dry up water supplies in arid regions and heavy rains from extreme storms cause damaging sewage overflows. Moreover, water had long been a source of conflict in particularly water-scarce regions.

Join The City Club of Cleveland, the Cleveland Council on World Affairs and International Partners in Mission for a panel discussion on the world water crisis and learn how we can bring safe drinking water to everyone.

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