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Changing the Face of Re-Entry

Local Matters

Changing the Face of Re-Entry

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"One bad decision should not influence someone's entire life." – Brandon E. Chrostowski

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) estimates reveal that nearly one out of every three American adults has a criminal record. Returning to the community after incarceration is no longer an isolated issue as many in the United States now have family, friends or colleagues who have served time in a correctional facility.

While discussion about the best way forward continues to build, EDWINS Leadership and Restaurant Institute founder and CEO, Brandon E. Chrostowski, will share how he's redefining the face of re-entry with brutal simplicity and explain the pillars that have led to the success of EDWINS' and their students. Mr. Chrostowski will illustrate how providing everyone an equal opportunity to learn a skilled trade in and out of prison has given Cleveland's citizens a path forward. He will also impart how other industry leaders can begin providing answers to the challenges community members face when returning home.

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