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Unvironmentalism:  How the Sustainability Movement Has Gone Wrong

Environment & Sustainability

Unvironmentalism: How the Sustainability Movement Has Gone Wrong

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"In my view, we should have open debate. We should have open questions despite the great movement to close them off." – Peter Wood

The contemporary global sustainability movement has seen an almost meteoric rise in the public consciousness. The definition of sustainable development was created in 1987 by the Brundtland Commission and adopted by the United Nations into its bylaws in 1992. Since that time, sustainability practices and programs have infiltrated the public and private sector, including higher education. College students can now earn credentials in sustainability in 1,438 distinct college programs, ranging from certificates to doctoral degrees.

Peter W. Wood, President of the National Association of Scholars and co-author of Sustainability: Higher Education's New Fundamentalism, argues that the sustainability movement is an ideology that demands new limits on economic, political, and intellectual freedom as the price that must be paid to ensure the welfare of future generations.

Join us for a conversation with Mr. Wood on the sustainability movement in higher education today.

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