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Family Resilience and a Father-Daughter Dance… in Prison

Social Justice

Family Resilience and a Father-Daughter Dance… in Prison

Monday, November 16, 2015
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"A father might be locked in - but should never be locked out - of his daughter's life." – Angela Patton

Angela Patton works to help girls and fathers stay in each other's lives - even in the most difficult and unlikely of circumstances. In June, 2013, she arranged a first-of-its-kind dance for daughter and their fathers, all who were inmates at the Richmond City Jail in Virginia. Since that time, father-daughter dances have been held in prisons in Florida and Indiana.

Join us for a conversation with Ms. Patton, champion for "at-promise" girls, founder of Camp Diva, and CEO of Girls for a Change, a nonprofit through which 100 girls’ groups throughout the nation work together to envision and execute lasting change in their neighborhoods, cities, or schools. She appears as part of our series on family resilience which helps the community better understand family resilience as a lens and tool for building policies and programs.

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