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Elementary Youth Forum: Miracle Grow for Life


Elementary Youth Forum: Miracle Grow for Life

Monday, May 16, 2016
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"It's that mindset of continuous improvement. How do I take wherever I am now and keep getting better?" – Mike Chernoff

What’s a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset? In a fixed mindset people believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits that do not change. In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work--our brains act more like a muscle that develops than a fixed computer processer.

Research has shown that having a growth mindset creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Our panel of guests will inspire students to embrace a growth mindset—just as our guests did in their lives –so even our youngest students can attain greatness starting today!

Join us for our first Elementary Youth Forum centering on the concept of developing a growth mindset and its power in shaping success.

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