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Ride and Learn: Cleveland's Midway Protected Bike Network

Politics & Public Policy

Ride and Learn: Cleveland's Midway Protected Bike Network

Tuesday, May 23, 2017
5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

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"The first one is always the hardest... if you build it they will come." – Nancy Lyon Stadler

Nationally, bike trips of all types have more than doubled between 2001 and 2009. In addition, bike commuting has grown 47 percent over the past decade, with large cities seeing 73 percent growth. Cycling for transportation is still most common among low income Americans, with 49 percent of bike commuters earning less than $25,000 per year according to a Kinder Institute for Urban Research analysis of 2010 Census data.

Such findings carry significant roadway design implications. According to a 2016 research study conducted by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), of the 60 percent of Americans who are “interested in riding," fear of traffic injury was a main reason preventing them from increased biking. However, eighty-one percent said they would feel comfortable riding on a street with a physically separated bike lane. Cleveland’s proposed, city-wide Midway Protected Bike Boulevard Network would provide a separated bike lane for riders in order to decrease biking injuries.

Join us during National Bike Month for a fun, flat three-mile ride starting at Public Square and going out Superior Avenue—the selected Midway Proof of Concept Corridor—through the St. Clair Superior neighborhood and ending at Goldhorn Brewery for snacks, beer, and a panel discussion on Cleveland's proposed Midway Protected Bike Boulevard Network.

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