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Youth Forum: Beyond Banned Books: Censorship in Education


Youth Forum: Beyond Banned Books: Censorship in Education

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"Every young person needs the opportunity to be appalled. Without exposure, you may not grow up an empathetic person. " – Tracy Strobel

Censorship and restrictions placed on school curriculum are nothing new. Early in October, the public school district in Biloxi, Mississippi continued the long enduring tradition of banning To Kill a Mockingbird from being taught in their public schools. In 1925, the famous “Scopes Monkey Trial” brought to light Tennessee’s Butler Act, which restricted teaching human evolution in any state-funded school. This type of restriction could reappear in Florida – a hearing officer is now hired on every school board to review complaints filed by parent or county residents on instructional materials. While it is not subject specific, there are worries that it will target science, and subjects like climate change. In the west, Utah only recently overturned a law that silenced LGBT topics in schools and each district has complete control over the expanse of the sex education curriculum, as there is no federal law mandating what is taught.

The United States does not have a national curriculum, leaving the state, principals, teachers, parents, and community members as influential stakeholders. But, who should decide what to teach in public schools? What should we teach? Is anything off limits?

Join the Youth Forum Council for their second panel discussion of the school year as they delve into censorship in education.

Tickets are free for high school students.

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