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Why Values Matter: A New Paradigm for Business, Politics, Communities, and Life

Business & Economy

Why Values Matter: A New Paradigm for Business, Politics, Communities, and Life

Thursday, January 18, 2018
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"Goodwill towards a community can manifest itself in investment, tourism, tangible ways." – The Honorable Percy Farwell

It seems that companies are required to provide more and more social good – whether it’s donating to charity, becoming a benefit corporation, or endorsing a humanitarian stance. However, there is significant pushback from implementing such initiatives, as they can reduce profits for shareholders.

However, some business leaders have found ways to do both. Stewart Kohl is the co-CEO of Cleveland-based Riverside Company. Within their 400 portfolio companies, they emphasize character, values and community support, which has resulted in significant financial success as well. One of Riverside’s value-driven portfolio companies is the Dwyer Group. Dina Dwyer-Owens, co-chairman, says that “a company that lives and leads with values will always outperform, outshine, outdo and outlive competitors."

Stewart Kohl and Dina Dwyer-Owens are both being honored by the Malden Mills Corporate Kindness Award, awarded by Values-in-Action/Project Love. The Town of Gander, Newfoundland, Canada (represented by the Mayor, Honorable Percy Farwell) will also be awarded the Rescuer of Humanity Award. On September 11, 2001, to combat any further terrorist attacks, hundreds of passenger carrying aircrafts were ordered to land in the tiny Gander International Airport in Newfoundland, Canada. A town with a population of 10,000 took in nearly 7,000 passengers – many of them staying in their own homes as there are not enough hotels in the town.

Please join the three recipients as we discuss the power of kindness and how embodying principles and values can benefit humanity and the bottom line.

Prior to the forum, students from the Young Entrepreneur Market at University School will host a mini market to showcase their companies.

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