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Why Community Health Planning Matters (Now More than Ever)


Why Community Health Planning Matters (Now More than Ever)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"We need to focus on people's ability to access care." – Clint Koenig, M.D.

Despite being home to some of the most innovative healthcare systems in the world, American citizens' life expectancy is oftentimes determined solely by ZIP code. Citizens living in poor, primarily minority communities - whether urban or rural - suffer from more complicated health problems, often lack access to effective healthcare, social support services, and die much earlier than necessary.

Community assessments and planning are one component for reducing disparities and improving the overall health and well-being of individuals. Ohio has several initiatives underway; how are they faring? How can local and state government effectively collaborate with healthcare systems, nonprofits, and social service agencies to affect lasting change?

This forum features a keynote presentation by Ohio Department of Health Medical Director Clint Koenig, M.D. followed by a panel discussion.

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