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Start By Believing: Why Preventing Sexual Violence Starts With Listening to Survivors

Social Justice

Start By Believing: Why Preventing Sexual Violence Starts With Listening to Survivors

Friday, April 5, 2019
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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"You start by listening and you start by saying the most simple things - I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s not your fault. What can we do to make you feel safe?" – Sondra Miller

From the rise of the #MeToo movement to allegations against high-profile celebrities, public officials, priests and powerful business executives, sexual violence has never been more prominent in our national headlines. In the midst of these news stories, an unprecedented volume of local survivors of rape and sexual abuse have been speaking out, sharing their experiences and asking for help.

The prevalence of these headlines and survivor stories leaves us wondering—is there any hope to reduce or even eradicate sexual violence from our world?

Sondra Miller, President & CEO of Cleveland Rape Crisis Center, will share strategies to prevent sexual violence and outline why listening more deeply to survivors is our first step to get there.

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