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CCMV Views & Brews

Politics & Public Policy

CCMV Views & Brews

2020 Census

Monday, March 9, 2020
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

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“It’s important that every Ohioan is counted. We want to ensure our state receives the appropriate amount of federal funding to help us support our communities, schools, public safety resources, and to improve our roads.” — Governor Mike DeWine

Census counts have a huge impact on our community. The 2020 Census data will be used to determine how more than $675 billion from more than 100 government programs are distributed to states and localities. This data influence how choices are made regarding which roads are fixed, where schools are built and businesses opened, what medical services are offered, and more. The data will also decide the number of state representatives in Congress. Early estimates predict Ohio will lose one of its 16 seats because the state isn't growing like other parts of the country.

There are many questions one could ask in relation to the census. Chief amongst those is: what is at stake for Mahoning and Trumbull counties? How will the census be taken this time around? We know that this will be the first census to be mainly done online. How will that look?

Also, what is to be said about privacy? To protect privacy, Census workers by law may not disclose information to law enforcement or other agencies. Does this calm any of those fears?

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