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Youth Forum: Missing, but Not Forgotten


Youth Forum: Missing, but Not Forgotten

Navigating Missing Persons Investigations in the U.S.

Thursday, December 9, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

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Lauren Cho. Robert Lowery. Kylen Schulte. Crystal Turner.

The discovery of the bodies of these missing people, among at least eight others who were found as authorities searched for Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie, has highlighted a disturbing question when it comes to those reported missing: was enough done to find them too?

The Gabby Petito case created a media frenzy resulting in a deeper look into how missing persons cases in the United States are handled. Most glaring was the ongoing, disproportionately less attention given to missing persons cases involving people of color. The first 72 hours of a missing persons case are the most crucial, after which the volume of clues, evidence and witness accounts slow to a trickle, severely impeding cases with less attention. Further, missing persons cases are often complicated by sex trafficking, kidnapping and drug-related crimes involved in addition to the search for the missing person, as well as runaway cases often receiving less attention due to the misconception they are in less danger than other missing persons.

Here in Cleveland, high profile missing persons cases and rescues shed light on many of these key issues. As result, several organizations and initiatives have been put in place to address concerns. However, there is always more that can be done.

What more can be instituted to ensure missing persons cases are adequately reported and handled? How can the public, as well as the media, be better equipped to disseminate information about missing persons cases? In what ways can we ensure all missing persons cases are given the same priority?

Join us at the City Club for a virtual Youth Forum as an expert panel explains the intricacies of missing persons cases, and what can be done to help find them.

The livestream will be available beginning at 12:00 p.m. Have questions? Tweet them at @CityClubYouth or send a text to 330.541.5794.

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