A recent birth of a baby gorilla at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo--the first in their 139 year history--has focused the community's attention on the plight of the Western lowland gorilla, a critically endangered species. The zoo has used this as an opportunity to raise awareness about and financial support for the conservation work they do around the globe, and specifically with gorilla populations in Africa.
The future of zoos in America is increasingly as focused on wildlife conservation around the globe as it is on providing local visitors with an opportunity to encounter the animal kingdom. With a complicated historical legacy and a commitment to ecological stewardship, zoo leaders have their work cut out for them in the 21st century. At the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, leaders are learning how to do this through their work with primates.
Executive Director of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo since 2012, Chris Kuhar has devoted a great deal of his career to work with primates, previously serving as the zoo's Curator of Primates and Small Mammals, and as Research Manager at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Kuhar has also served as Chair of the Board for the Association of Zoos and Aquarium.
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