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Featured Staff Pick Happy Dog Takes on the World
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Happy Dog Takes on the World

Foreign Threats and the 2020 Election

Tuesday, September 01, 2020
7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.


The challenges facing contemporary democracies are unprecedented. The rise of foreign interference in the spread of disinformation, the fragility of cybersecurity, and questions of electoral integrity have recently forced us to reevaluate our conception of national security. And that was before the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe.

With less than 100 days to the 2020 general election – and with the...

The Decontrol of Natural Gas
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Business & Economy

Friday, February 19, 1982, 12:00 p.m.

The Decontrol of Natural Gas

The Natural Gas Supply Association is a Washington-based organization representing 85 major and independent companies who produce 95 percent of the nation's natural gas energy. The question of the nation's energy supply and how it gets to the consumer continues...

Do We Want a Gender-Free Society?
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Politics & Public Policy

Friday, February 12, 1982, 12:00 p.m.

Do We Want a Gender-Free Society?

Phyllis Schlafly, attorney, journalist, author and opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), discusses the ramifications of a gender-free society. Sclafly argues that men and women are fundamanetally distict and perform different, necessary roles in society. She applies her thinking...

State of the County
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Politics & Public Policy

Friday, February 05, 1982, 12:00 p.m.

State of the County

Much concern has been expressed over the effectiveness of our state and municipal governments. Even more important in serving the needs of local citizens is our county government. Balanced budget? New taxes? Reduction in services? What can we expect from Cuyahoga...

Where Supply-Side Economies Went Wrong
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Business & Economy

Friday, January 15, 1982, 12:00 p.m.

Where Supply-Side Economies Went Wrong

Michael K. Evans, one of the nation's foremost econometricians and Founder of Evans Economics, Inc., discusses where supply side economics went wrong. Mr. Evans elaborates upon what he calls "the four great myths of supply side economics."

Dr. John McCarthy, Jr.
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Science, Technology & Innovation

Friday, December 04, 1981, 12:00 p.m.

Dr. John McCarthy, Jr.

Dr. John F. McCarthy, Jr., Director of the NASA Lewis Research Center, speaks on the local and national impact of aerospace research and technology.

George Dalley
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Politics & Public Policy

Friday, November 20, 1981, 12:00 p.m.

George Dalley

George A. Dalley, Member of the Civil Aeronautics Board, discusses the role of transportation in a dichotomy he terms "the sunbelt vs. the snow belt." This dichotomy refers to the abandonment of the industrial economies that once fueled the Northeast...

Dr. Richard Behrman
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Friday, November 13, 1981, 12:00 p.m.

Dr. Richard Behrman

Dr. Richard E. Behrman, Dean of Case Western Reserve University's School of Medicine, offers perspectives on medical ethics. Dr. Behrman elaborates on the ethical challenges of the rising costs of healthcare, citing that these rising costs force patients and patient...

America's Policy in Regard to Nuclear War
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Politics & Public Policy

Wednesday, November 11, 1981, 12:00 p.m.

America's Policy in Regard to Nuclear War

Dr. George Wald, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine and Professor of Biology at Harvard University, discusses America's policy in regard to nuclear war. Dr. Wald discusses the state of the human condition in regard to rising...

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